New Year’s Resolutions (2014)

I made some fairly important resolutions this year. Usually my resolution is to find a solution for my weight. That was the big one last year. And the solution was surgery.
I usually resolve to travel more. Be a better friend. Be a better wife. Do “more” with my business.

This year the resolutions are a bit different.

I used to have a good friend (We fell out, over a boy, not surprisingly. But it’s not what you think. It’s a long story. Some other time.) who told me that I gave too much of myself. I would do everything I could to take care of everyone else, and never had any left for myself. There is much truth in that, but I feel like I’ve gotten much better about it. I’ve learned to say no to whatever doesn’t set me on fire. I’ve said yes to many many things in the past year, but they all have made me very happy. I was excited to do each one of them. So even though my schedule is FULL, it’s full of things that set my heart on fire.

Here’s my list of resolutions, in no order other than the stack of post-its I had them written on.

1. Write the newsletter for my business every two weeks. Even if I don’t feel like it. I’ve already started over there (last week) and if you want to subscribe to that, follow this link:

2. Write a ‘buttery’ blogpost (that’s here) every two weeks (these alternate, so I’m writing something every week.). Even if I don’t feel like it. It might mean that some posts are crappy. I’m OK with that. I need to chronicle my journey. It’s important.

3. Spend 4 hours every week getting rid of stuff. Amazon, eBay, Craig’s List, whatever. Get rid of all the junk we have that we never use and is taking up valuable space in our house and brains.

4. Go to the gym 3 days a week. Run the other 3 days a week. Rest 1 day a week. So far this schedule has worked itself to be:
Gym (for circuit training and light treadmill) – Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Run (run/walk with the goal of getting to 3 miles) – Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Off – Sunday
I’ve been consistently at it for about 3 weeks now. I have it scheduled in my calendar. I haven’t skipped a single one. It’s been tough on some days (today I had to do it before my day started, because I knew it would be too snowy to do in the afternoon).

And the past three weeks? I’ve lost about 10 pounds. Including passing the halfway point (losing 75 pounds). It’s making a difference, and that seems to be the motivation I need. I also feel stronger and more energetic. Whether that’s being 79 pounds lighter or being more active, I don’t know. I do know that I like it.

5. Volunteer somewhere once a week. Now before you judge me for only doing it once a week, know that I already volunteer quite a bit. I’m the President of two organizations, and don’t get paid for it. I’m a board member on another, where I’ve pledged to donate 2 hours of my time every week to ramping up their online presence. I already do quite a bit of “volunteering.” I’m in the process of adding in a shift or two a week of volunteering with an animal shelter that specializes in cats. I would be hanging out at the local pet store, cleaning cat cages, feeding the cats and playing with them. Every time I go to the pet store my heart breaks for all the little kitties I can’t take home with me (we already have 4, and V says no more until we have a bigger house). This is the best way I can think of to help out and love all the kitties.

6. Wear my new glasses all day every day. This is the toughest one. I really need my glasses to use the computer and my phone, and my tablet. But when I spend time NOT wearing them, I start to get headaches. Which means I should wear them all the time. And they are cute frames. If you see me without them, ask where they are. I will need gentle reminders for a bit.

7. No more disposable cups! I have pledged to not use a disposable cup anywhere. I’ve got a few reusable coffee cups in my car, so if I make a random Starbucks/Northside Social run, I’ll be prepared. And if I end up at a meeting that has disposable cups I’ll have to chose: no coffee or go to the car and get a reusable cup. I drink my fair share of coffee from shops and at meetings. Everyone can make a difference, no matter how small. This is my small attempt.

8. Read a real actual physical book every month. I listen to a lot of audiobooks because I drive a lot. I also have quite the collection of excellent books that I’ve never read (but always meant to). I’ve already picked them all out, and am enjoying January’s choice, one I’ve been meaning to read for years, “An Unquiet Mind” by Kay Redfield Jamison ( It is hauntingly familiar and scary at the same time. I am enjoying it in a way I didn’t think I would.

I stacked up all the other books for the rest of the year. Here they are, in case you want to read along. February starts at the bottom (and in case you’re counting, the Intimacy and Solitude Workbook goes with the Intimacy and Solitude book). I’ve tried to find a balance between “self-help” and fiction and motivation.


What are your resolutions? How can I/we help you get there?